Does this sound familiar?

  • Your inner-critic keeps you stuck in a cycle of judgement, shame, guilt and self-sabotage.

  • Self-doubt often takes over – not smart enough, good enough, attractive enough, successful enough.

  • You’re not heard or seen, and struggle to find your voice on the issues that matter to you.

  • You fear judgement, failure or rejection.

  • You believe you need to please and/or achieve to be loved.

  • You struggle with boundaries and feel exhausted and depleted from putting everyone else’s needs first.

  • You numb or block tough emotions with alcohol, your mobile phone, social media, food, shopping, always being ‘busy’, constant worrying, or any other ‘numbing agent’.

If any of this resonates, it’s ok. This was me, every bit of it.

With the right support, I learned to allow myself to be vulnerable; embrace my imperfections; and to go within to reconnect with my self-worth, instead of seeking it externally through the job, the partner, the win or the selfie.

Doing the inner work had a radical impact on my outer world; the universe started reflecting back to me the positive change in energy I was putting out. Doors started opening in my life where previously I kept hitting brick walls.

I am now passionate about guiding others on their own unique path, to free themselves from who they were conditioned to be and become the incredible human they were born to be.

Are you ready for change?

  • Step into your authentic power and know you are enough.

  • Transform your relationships, career and/or health.

  • Make your goals and dreams a reality.

  • Live your values and believe deeply in your wonderfully imperfect self.

  • Take on life with a new level of meaning, purpose and resilience.

If you’re ready to do the work and deep dive within, I’m here to hold the torch for you.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via

Or, if you would like to arrange a call with me to explore how we can work together, click on the link below. I’d love to hear from you.