Client feedback
“If you’re looking for a life coach who will equip you with the tools to unlock your ability to recognise your own strengths and self-worth, then I highly recommend Nikki. Through my sessions with Nikki, I found myself on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment that led to profound growth and inner strength. Nikki helped to equip me with the tools to break pre-conceived notions of self and validate my strengths in order to attain self-validation instead of seeking it externally. As a result, I attained a more positive mindset that improved various aspects of my life. Nikki naturally creates a safe and nurturing environment to provide life coaching that I can attest to as truly life changing.”
Megan W
“I came along to find some strategies to achieve a long unobtained goal. What I learnt, and have incorporated into my life, was sooooo much more. Nikki has significantly helped by teaching me how to harness thoughts and reactions in a more powerful way. I was almost defeated and heavily burdened with the inability to move forward. Nikki was able to facilitate my learning as she led me down the pathway of change. Nikki absolutely had my back as I did the hard yards. She created a safe space that allowed my growth and transformation. Nikki was always encouraging and kind whilst balancing me through the pointy raw edges of my challenges. I am so grateful for this.
Nikki has helped me to see myself as a precious and valuable person. She has encouraged and celebrated my uniqueness, strengths and gifts. I am now able to truly like myself and have a stable healthy self-confidence. I am better equipped to pick myself up and keep moving rather than stagnating in despair. For the first time ever, I have been able to truly identify my values. Other processes have never produced such clarity. I am confident to make large decisions more clearly and with greater conviction than previously where things were more wishy-washy. I used to hope; now I know and do. I am able to make decisions based on what and why things are important to me. This is incredibly powerful.”
Lisa S
“I was experiencing major blockages arising in the form of fear... every time I would think of myself in a particular situation my mouth would become dry, vision blurry, heart beating fast, incoherent, scattered and negative thought patterns would repeat. After two sessions with Nikki, I had anchored a daily body practice which I returned to every time the fear began to re-surface. I was able to achieve what I'd previously thought was inconceivable. Nikki held space for me exquisitely, so that I was able to stay with my present moment experience and get to the core of my fear, which I believe would have been impossible to do on my own. Her gentle guidance graciously invited me into my body and every time I thought I couldn't stay, she would hold me there with kindness, radical acceptance and firmness. Thank-you Nikki... I wouldn't be where I am now without our sessions.”
Jade F
“I remember when I was much younger, I felt really proud about the fact that I didn’t trust anyone. It felt like my super power. As I grew older and experienced more pain and trauma, I found that the cage that I had built around myself just got stronger and more protective. I’ve worked with Nikki for a few months now and, for the first time in my life, I have found someone who holds the key to unlocking my cages. Nikki has helped me to unravel – in the most incredibly beautiful way. She guides me gently and with an open-hearted intuition, always holding space for my vulnerability with integrity and care. Through feeling safe, nurtured and held, Nikki is guiding me to re-connect to parts of myself that have been neglected, and in turn I am re-creating that which makes me who I am. Working with Nikki has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself.”
Svenja K